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Safety Critical Software Assessment

Software Assessment Against EN50128 in Australia

Assessment of a new train vigilance system software development against the CENELEC Standard EN50128:2011. The vigilance unit had been allocated safety functions to it with Safety Integrity Level 2 (SIL2). Control logic was embedded with a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The configuration of the device had to comply with EN50128:2011 which covers configuration of data for safety applications. The rolling stock has now been successfully commissioned and is carrying passengers in Australia.

Software assessment against EN50128 for DCO and ASDO SIL 2 Software in the UK

Assessment of a software for Driver Controlled Operation (DCO) and Automatic Selective Door Operation (ASDO) system software development against the CENELEC standard EN50128. The DCO and ASDO had been allocated safety functions to it, with Safety Integrity Level 2 (SIL2). The configuration of the software device had to comply with EN50128 which covers configuration of data for safety applications.

Independent Safety Assessment and Software Assessment in Portugal

Digital Transit Limited has recently been awarded a contract to be the software assessor against EN50128 for a SIL2 train stop application in
Portugal.  The train stop will be fitted to maintenance vehicles and will read both balise messages and speed sensors. The train stop interfaces
to an HMI, the brake controller and the traction supply.