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Upcoming Conferences

Conference Railway

7th European Transport Research Arena

Between 16-19th April 2018 Digital Rail will be presenting a Poster on ‘Opportunities for resilient rail system development using natural language processing’ at the 7th European Transport Research Arena Conference in Vienna. The Transport Research Arena 2018 will include a wide spectrum of research and innovation activities spanning basic research to application-oriented engineering, social, technical and economic aspects as well as policies and standards. The Conference covers all modes of transport: rail, road, waterborne, aviation, and cross-modal.

You can read our paper which examines a natural language and machine learning approach to assessing railway hazard logs here.

Find out more about the full Conference programme on their website:

Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance

In September 2018 we will be running a Special Session on ‘Using Big data to Increase Railway Resilience’ at the Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance in Barcelona, Incorporating: The Eighth International Symposium on Speed-up and Sustainable Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems.

The conference will be exploring themes ranging from Infrastructure, Strategies and Economics, Planning and Operations, and Signalling and Communication, amongst others.

Upcoming Conference: Railway