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Research, Development and Deployment at Digital Rail

By 9th May 2018General News

Digital Rail have 3 main groups for research, development and deployment: Data Fusion Group, Autonomous Vision Group and Intelligent Systems Engineering Group.

These research groups are generating world class research and platforms for data analytics. We have various licenses and patent applications which we are always looking to discuss and expand.

Data Fusion Group (DFG)

Big Data Analytics on railway data for safety and performance optimisation. This will use mostly open source analytic tools.

The idea is to develop a platform for data fusion which is user-friendly, web-based, fully supported with annual licenses available. Applications will initially include rail vehicle diesels engine monitoring, driver behaviour monitoring and accident data.

Clients currently include Siemens and TfGM.

Team: Dr Peter Garraghan Lancaster University, Dr Howard Parkinson DRL, Dr Rhian Davies DRL, Damian Borowiec DRL, Dr Gary Bamford Advisory, James Bamford Advisory. Eddy Crompton DRL.

Data Fusion Group


Autonomous Vision Group (AVG)

This group will primarily research, develop and market the Platform Train Interface (PTI) autonomous vision system. The AVG business plan will explain how this will happen. This will require further significant investment and patent costs. We have prototype at TRL 3 and a patent application that is successfully registered.

Team: Prof Angelov Lancaster University, Dr Howard Parkinson DRL, Dr Rhian Davies DRL, Dr Chris Johnson MMU, Marie Nolan & Nick King Lancaster University, Dr Gary Bamford Advisory.

PTI Vision


Intelligent Systems Engineering Group (ISEG)

The task is to develop a platform for systems engineering including requirements process and models. This will be based around the WEFACT workflow management from the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT). This is being undertaken in collaboration with the AIT.

The platform will also include optional plug-in Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications that bring intelligence and machine learning into systems engineering. The platform will be suitable for railway, nuclear, automotive and aerospace applications. The ISEG business plan explains how this will happen.

Team: Dr Paul Rayson Lancaster University, Clive Osman DRL, Eddy Crompton DRL, Dr Howard Parkinson DRL, Willibald Kern AIT, Dr Christoph Schnitter AIT, Dr Gary Bamford Advisory, New MSc by RES Person DRL.

WEFACT work management tool