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Using AI in Railway Systems Engineering

By 4th February 2020May 4th, 2020General News

Digital Rail has just begun a new project in applying AI in systems engineering. Johnny Beardsmore will be working with Digital Rail and Lancaster University for the next two years undertaking a Master by Research. He will be supervised by Dr Paul Rayson, an NLP expert at Lancaster University.

The project is being part sponsored by the European Union through the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation. The idea behind the project is that resilient railways will be an excellent means to lower carbon usage.

We know that systems engineering helps keep the project on track and this works well until humans get involved. The AI tools will work in the background ensuring the project stays on track and meets the requirements set. NLP techniques will be used to analyse the production of systems engineering artefacts and produce quality metrics that will inform management as to the health of the project.